Back on Track

After hectically finishing a new collection for a photo shoot on weds (will post pics soon) whilst watching the photo shoot i decided i wanted to change some designs, resulting in another photo shoot! Argh, so unorganised at the moment. But my main priority at this point in time is to finish all my uni work before my trip to Berlin in 2 weeks time! i think ill try fit in a few sneaky projects though! So lots of uni work, ill keep you posted! And finally finishing the website for a new re launch, which will hopefully bring in some new customers, finish editing the images so they look picture perfect! Then a few valentines bits and lots of scarves to go up, so hopefully all those jobs will be done quickish! Again will post when edited! Then finishing the current collection, make some nice bags and purses, and jewellery bits with all my time off from work in march then on to the summer collection! Lots of gorgeous swinging skirts, in amazing prints to come!
And looking forward to my birthday, my boyfriend said i had an allowance of £100, so maybe one of these?
Keepsake Laptop Bag £29.99 from
So check back soon for updates on website - off to edit now!
Grace Face xxx