Now ive got the essay out of the way (below) for people that are actually interested! But here are a few bits ove bookmarked to blofg while ive been away,
David Lynch + Ice Cube
his work is just mesmerising, so interesting! i highly reccomend you google his work!
And this incredible artist - Ben Heine, an awesome mix of photography and illustration, find him on
Pencil vs Camera - 32
Pencil vs Camera - BBC Breakfast
And this awesome project you can fin at
I am definately going to try this at some point, especially with my love for using old books and pages of text in my artwork!
And last one for today, ...
So cute! This little lamb is on a textured background of paint and pages from Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. i love the hidden book pages behind, and trees are made from patterned papers in reds, oranges and greys, the colour combination is so cozy and warming, i want to hug the artwork!
I have loads more bits and bobs to blog but i don't want to overload you with stuff straight away, ill save some for tomorrow!
Have a good day guys,
Grace Face xxx