Recently been getting quite conscious of this thing called time. Running out, possibly. Decided to put my much loved business ideas on a back burner for a month or so, ill still be making, but only little bits here and there, whilst i concentrate on finishing my foundation art course. need to wack out 100 pieces of art and display them in about 5/6 weeks, so starting to feel the panic now. Will post some progress shots tomorrow, thought id just let you know what was going on in my tiny little head.
But heres a few new additions to the shop...
A Peach Lace Flower hair clip,
Daisy ribbon bracelets are becoming quite a hit, so delicate but beautifully light for summer :)
Mums been working hard too, another colour for the phone cases, and we did have a matching bag but ... already sold!
These have been getting quite a lot of interest, hand printed purses with a cute polkdot lining,
And a variation on our herbert hearts, simplified.
Now, need to stay awake to finish some peach skirts ive had lying around for weeks,
Grace Face xoxo