Now i was going to post this before i went to bed last night, but i shunned all my plans to finish all my work and go to bed :( so i felt bad about re arranging my tasks, but today doesn't feel to hectic. Waiting at uni for someone to check through my portfolio to see if i've got enough 'good work' then i;m just wrapping up the paperwork to go with my stage 3 project, which i will post about later when ive done the paperwork, then ill be ready and raring to go! Then ive got some skirts to finish off, work (sigh) yeh, real life, boring work, then some fabric rosettes and to make some 10% off flyers for the shop, so not too hectic, if i stay on top of task, unlike yesterday!
Whilst checking my emails yesterday i did stumble across this, which made me smile a little!
Basically patterns for felt food, which i thought was just cute :)
Very Happy Meal
Pancake Breakfast
Be My Valentine
I was just amazed at the detail and quality of these felt food items! Theres some skill and imagination in those!
Now to re-write my statement of intent and do boring paperwork :(
(Which sometimes i secretly like doing!)
Grace Face xoxo