Now, as you may or may not know The Fish Market is very very cold in the winter months, so we decide to close. We closed for January and February last year, and although it was nice to have a break, the trade in The Fish Market had dropped considerably in march due to the fact people had realised it had closed, and then didn't know when we were open again. So this year, well next, (2011) we have decided to keep open on just the Saturdays through out January and February. And i decided this would be a fantastic opportunity to put on some great events, as there is no exhibitions on so we have the place to ourselves, and its nice to keep the place ticking over really. So heres the plan. 2 Saturdays out of the 8 will be Bicycle Basket Bazaars, January the 29th and February 26th, 2 Saturdays 'workshop weekends' 2 Saturdays 'food fairs' and 2 'antiques fairs' but i need a bit of help.
I am looking for anyone who is a foodie to join in a food fair, again another jan feb event, we are looking for anyone who makes goodies and sells them, cupcakes, jams, soups, anything really! We are firstly looking for individuals to fill up the spaces, then we were going to ask local businesses if they would like a stall, like st giles cheese ect. So again anyone interested please contact me !
I am hoping to get all the events sorted by the end of next week so i can get a flyer printed, so if anyone has any ideas or is interested, let me know!
Grace Face xoxox