Shop Friday

I put some new bags into the shop this morning, they look fab!

And they are plump enough to stand up on there own so i finally have a use for the giant light up cabinet i have in there! And were well on out way to putting the new mens tops in store, they are being produced as i type, i hope!

And i bought some wonderful vintage trunks from a carboot on sunday to put the tops in to finish the look, i think they were possibly army surplus, but they have peeling paint and old army stamps all over them, so rustic! i will photo and put up as soon as i give them a little clean! They will look fab stacked up n the shop, its just trying to find space to put them in! I am considering a massive sale stock clear out event to make way for loads of new stock now i have the summer off, and time to restock and make everything pretty! And i spotted some amazing fabric this morning whilst attempting to find a fathers day present, a lovely light summery pale blue fabric with colourful splodges on it similar to leopard print but with a cute playful twist, it may be worth an investment! And i must not forget to book my New Designers tickets later, its a must event for inspiration and to generally have a good nose at everyones work, and its a brillaint place to go if your interested in design but cant decide on a uni as they are all there in one place! Saves you making your way to each uni doesnt it! -